Archive for 2011

Meterpreter script – deploy_nmap.rb

by on Aug.08, 2011, under Code, Meterpreter Scripts, Posts

Using a ‘trusted’ host that you have compromised as leverage during a pentest, is nearly always advantageous. I personally believe that the steps of pentesting change in a sense, once you have a session on a computer in an internal network from an external computer.

I would revert back to reconnaissance (depending on the circumstances), since the point of view has changed. The hijacked host is “your man on the inside”, and what a better way to give the ‘man on the inside’ some ‘eyes’ by deploying and using nmap!

One means of using nmap through the compromised host includes:

1.) Deploying an openssh server on the victim machine

2.) Setting up an account

3.) Reversing an ssh session like so: ssh -R 2222:localhost:22

4.) Then you would connect back to the victim using a socks5 proxy: ssh -D 9050 victimaccount@localhost -p 2222

5.) Lastly, you would use nmap and proxychains from the attacker’s host to scan hosts internally through a tunnel between you and the victim machine.

Keep in mind that the Metasploit framework has an auxiliary module “auxiliary/scanner/portscan”, which you can use but let me be quite frank, it doesn’t compare to what is known as the ‘king of all port scanners’ nmap. (No offense Metasploit crew.)

This is why I programmed a meterpreter script that downloads the latest stable version of nmap from and then deploys nmap onto the victim’s machine. You could then use the victim’s machine to do vulnerability scanning with nmap’s scripting engine. (i.e. nmap –script=smb-check-vulns).

The script has a removal feature that will uninstall nmap and winpcap from the victim’s machine. Please e-mail me or comment if you have any questions, concerns or problems with the script.

NOTE: On versions of Microsoft Windows that use the UAC service, you will most likely need to disable or circumvent this service to successfully deploy nmap.  Luckily there is a module with the Metasploit framework that will help you (post/windows/escalate/bypassuac).

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Meterpreter script – stickykeys.rb

by on Jul.18, 2011, under Code, Meterpreter Scripts, Posts

Through the past year or so, I’ve had some ideas for meterpreter scripts floating around in my head that I’ve been meaning to put to use. So this is my first unofficial meterpreter script for the Metasploit Framework.

The purpose of this script is to place a backdoor onto a Windows victim system. What it simply does is, copy cmd.exe over to sethc.exe. The sethc.exe program is the sticky keys program. To activate this program you just have to hit the shift key 5 times and sethc.exe will be executed.

While this can be useful for those who are disabled, there is also an abuse for this feature. If you have copied cmd.exe over to sethc.exe, you can then hit shift 5 times and be provided a shell.

If you’re at a log on prompt and if you have this backdoor placed, when you activate sethc.exe (instead of logging in) you get a shell with SYSTEM level privileges!

This may seem trivial, however if you’re doing a penetration test on a remote Windows system that is running remote desktop, this can be a deadly means for maintaining access. You can then use this as pivoting your way back into the system, even if the original means (say for instance http) is blocked by an IPS and/or firewall.

One truly beautiful facet about this method if you’re an attacker, is that cmd.exe renamed as sethc.exe did not trigger any responses from scanners on

I’m planning on adding more to this script, but I just wanted to get this released for the time being. I also want to state that I just put this idea to use for the Metasploit project, this hack has been around for a while:

To install this, simply download the txt file, then change the extension to .rb and throw this file in the framework3/msf3/scripts/meterpreter/ directory.

#Update 7/20/2011

Issue Addressed: Switched all C:\\WINDOWS to %SYSTEMROOT% (Thanks Rod Macpherson )
BUG: On Nokia N900 with Ruby 1.8.7 (arm-linux-eabi), with Metasploit Framework version: svn r13268, I am receiving a compile error message at line 70. (Unexpected ‘)’ )
NOTE: I am not having this issue on Backtrack 5 32bit with Ruby 1.9.2dev (i686-linux)

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Backtrack 5 Tools List

by on Jul.15, 2011, under Posts


Where can I find a complete list of all the tools installed in BackTrack ?

No such resource currently exists, however you can see a list of all packages installed on your BackTrack system by running:

dpkg –list

Now such a resource does exist! 🙂
I have taken the time to create a list and it can be found here:
Please see the NOTE section at the top of the txt file.

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Layer 2 Attacks Using Yersinia

by on Jun.29, 2011, under Posts, Videos

One of the many reasons why Yersinia is an awesome tool and should be part of a pentester’s arsenal.

Video posted by: banatukk

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Weaponizing the Nokia N900 – Part 3.8 – Backtrack 5 on N900

by on May.28, 2011, under Posts

First and foremost I am not taking credit for the act of this. There are other posts on getting Bactrack 5 (ARM) onto the N900. My post mostly pertains to my experience with Backtrack 5 on the N900 and how viable of a offensive information security tool it is.

If you’re curious as to how to get Backtrack 5 running on your N900, you want to thank SuperDumb from the Maemo forums, and take a look at this forum thread. Observe that the default Backtrack 5 (arm) image will not copy over to your vfat microSD external or internal cards. vfat has a file size limit

There are some guides that advocate using ext2/3 on flash devices, but I do not condone you doing this, please see:

To circumvent this issue you can download an image that will work on vfat here, or if you would prefer to re-size the image yourself, follow these steps that SuperDumb graciously gave me via a PM:

Must be done under linux :
Just an example, change the dirs how you want them :

First you need to get the bt5.img out of the downloaded file from backtrack :

gunzip bt5.img.gz

These are the steps to get a img that is small enough :

mv bt5.img bt5.old.img

dd if=/dev/zero of=bt5.img bs=4k count=900000
mke2fs -F -i 8192 bt5.img

mkdir bt5old bt5new
mount -o loop bt5.old.img bt5old
mount -o loop bt5.img bt5new
cd bt5old
cp -rp * ../bt5new

After that just umount bt5old & bt5new and you should have a working img.

Once you have a working img, you will need to have qchroot on your N900 along with gainroot. Then to get Backtrack 5 running on your N900 via the non-GUI way, you simply do as follows:

1.) sudo gainroot

2.) mkdir /mnt/bt5

3.)qchroot /location/to/bt5.img /mnt/bt5

One important note I would like to add with regards to the location of the bt5.img file, is that if you’re like me and you have a bootable linux distro on mmc1, you will not want to have the bt5.img on mmc1. Once your computer mounts the mmc1 card, your mmc1 card will not be accessible via your phone.

You can get VNC up and running, however the N900 keyboard and the Backtrack 5 GUI (at least using gnome) do not get along that well. Additionally, it is resource intensive and if you ask me, to truly utilize Backtrack or almost any Linux distribution, you want to use the command line interface. This is where the power lies. There are a few exceptions to this rule but exceptions don’t necessarily make the rule.

In my humble opinion having Backtrack 5 running on your N900 is not really worth it. My reasoning is due to my experience with it. Here are a couple instances of annoyances that I ran into:

– It is unstable. There were a few times that I would make an attempt to edit sources.list, via:  ‘vi /etc/apt/sources.list’ and my phone would randomly reboot.

– The GUI does not work well at all.

– There are packages that are easily available under the N900, that aren’t easily available under Backtrack 5 (ARM). (kismet for example.)

– Some packages are just broken. For example, miredo does not work at all. (More on miredo later…)

– Nmap’s version under BT5 arm is 5.00 and you can get Nmap for maemo on the N900 at version 5.50.

– easydebian seems like a better alternative and is more stable.

I’m going to go on a bit of a tangent here that I hope is informal and useful.

With miredo not working under BT5 on the N900, that was kind of a big annoyance to myself because miredo for the Maemo even appears to be broken as well.  To get miredo working on your N900 you will want to install and use easydebian.

What is beautiful with miredo, is that you can get an IPv6 address assigned to your N900. You could then use your N900 as a hardware based trojan in a network. The whole concept is very similar to what Mubix did here. You could setup your N900 on a victim network and have ssh listing on your public IPv6 address and then log in to your N900 from an outside network over IPv6. You wouldn’t even have to do any port forwarding on the victim’s firewall/gateway/router.

I will tell you that miredo does not work on all networks and does not appear to work over the gprs0 interface on the N900 (at least with my carrier). Though it works just fine on the wlan0 interface.

Readjusting back from that tangent, summarily I would like to state that the fact that you can get Backtrack 5 working on your N900 is wonderful. Consequently, due to my experience with running BT5 on the N900, I would just advise to use easydebian over BT5 and then customize easydebian to the point that it is essentially a ‘Backtrack’ version. It will be a more stable route to go and you can learn about the tools as you install them, versus having a plethora of tools at your disposal that you may not get around to learning.

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