Tag Archives: Information Security

Kali Linux NetHunter

It looks like my Kali Linux chroot environment has been superseded per se. I am very excited about Kali Linux NetHunter (http://nethunter.com/), and this may drive me to purchase a Nexus 5 so I can have OTG support and perform wireless attacks more easily versus having to use a Y USB cable with my current Nexus 4.

I had a HID attack idea for the Nokia N900, but it appears the folks over at offensive-security have put something together for the Android/Nexus platform. Please have a look at this video:

Kali Linux NetHunter HID Attack from Offensive Security on Vimeo.

One caveat I have noticed is that NetHunter currently only supports Nexus series devices:

(From nethunter.com ):

Supported Devices:

The Kali NetHunter image is currently compatible with the following Nexus devices:

  • Nexus 4 (GSM) – “mako” – EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT
  • Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE) – “hammerhead”
  • Nexus 7 [2012] (Wi-Fi) – “nakasi”
  • Nexus 7 [2012] (Mobile) – “nakasig”
  • Nexus 7 [2013] (Wi-Fi) – “razor”
  • Nexus 7 [2013] (Mobile) – “razorg”
  • Nexus 10 – “mantaray”

With that being said, my article on weaponizing the android platform may still be of use to a lot of you who don’t own Nexus series devices: http://zitstif.no-ip.org/?p=811

Updated Section and Other Matters

I haven’t had much time or energy to work on my website due to work, having a more than usual social life (odd), and school. I’m gong to make an honest effort to keep this website up to date at a higher frequency than what I’ve been doing.

This post is mostly in regards to my reconnaissance websites section. I’ve updated it and organized the websites by category. I’ve also added a link Samy’s geolocation page, which is great for finding actual (or close) locations of AP points, thanks to Google doing ‘legal’ wardriving.

Also, I’m planning on obtaining a Nokia n900, which I plan to ‘weaponize’ it in an original manner, and I will post steps to doing so on my website. I also have some meterpreter script ideas that I’m planning on working on. Additionally to that, I have a meterpreter script that has been laying around that utilizes an old trick for maintaining access to a compromised server, that I will plan on posting for metasploit users to use.

Here’s to a new year in information security! What will 2011 bring? 🙂

More to come as usual..