Tag Archives: blippy FAIL rant

Blippy FAIL rant


Alright, sharing information is nothing new, along with sharing information online. We as a society aggregate massive amounts of data for companies to use for targeted marketing and the like.

With that being said, you must ask yourself, “Our we willingly sharing too much information?” Is there such a thing as a too much information? Some would argue no and for the most part I would have to agree with them. Despite this being true, I still strongly believe that reasonable forms of denial are a useful tool for coping with everyday life.

Twitter, facebook, myspace.. and even the faded out xanga, are all websites that are used for basically spying on our social lives. With this being said, Blippy steps up the ante by spying on our buying habits and having a space for us to publicly share this information.

Was I a little surprised to find out about the latest ‘Blippy fail’ ? A little, but the more I took into consideration and remembered how Google can be used in such a way, it wasn’t very hard for me to fathom.

Is there an easy mend for this issue? You have to ask yourself, especially if you’re a Blippy user, “Do I really need to share this information, with this company and the realm of the internet?”.

My mantra on disclosing information is, ‘share information as felt necessary’. I hope more people start taking this into consideration, but it seems that people tend to like to live in the view of the public to an extent via social networking mediums. I believe for some individuals, it gives them a sense of identity and self importance.

Do I really care about who broke up with such and so? Is it necessary for me to learn about unnecessary information about yourself? I don’t think so, but social networking websites seem to think it’s necessary, but it’s also part of their business model.

Consider this simple logic: The more websites that I share personal information with, the more likely a privacy breach of information that I did not intend to disclose will occur.

More to come..