THENEWLIST.txt update (THENEWLISTupdated.txt)

I’ve compiled another HOSTS block list for those who want to block crap. If you’re not sure how to add the list to your hosts file, check out:

You can download the updated HOSTS block list from here:

shasum: f94c3aee2e1483bc945e6a728ba8c70df821f5c3

Here’s a mirror:

Enjoy less crap on the internet!

WARNING: I have tested adding this to my Windows 10 hosts and I have noticed svchost.exe (owned by NETWORK SERVICE) spikes up in CPU usage and DNS functionality stops responding momentarily until the mentioned process calms down in CPU usage. On my work computer running Windows 7 Professional in a domain environment the same service would spike up and seem to cause a DOS condition with DNS functionality and would not respond. USE WITH CAUTION AND TEST BEFORE DEPLOYING IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS.

#Update 10/9/2015

After testing and much consideration I do not recommend adding these hosts to your hosts list on Windows based systems unless they are higher end systems with cpu scores of like 8000 from

#Update 12/28/2015

This updated blacklist also causes issues with comments section and Nexon account registration.

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