Tag Archives: kali rolling release

Kali.nogui.armel.zitstif.chroot.482013 Update

For those of you who don’t own devices that are officially supported by nethunter or if you’re not having any luck porting over nethunter using this method: https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter/wiki/Porting-Nethunter , there is hope for you to at least run Kali on your device. Of course you need a device that is rootable and you’ll need to download the following 7z file:



md5: d60c5a52bcea35834daecb860bd8a5c7
sha1: f62c2633d214de9edad1842c9209f443bcea385d


MD5: be61799f8eb2d98ff8874daaf572a1d5
SHA-1: f9c6a820349530350bbb902d17ae6b4a5173937c

Then simply look over this post: http://zitstif.no-ip.org/?p=811

Once you have this setup, according to “JosephTheHacker Pwn3r” :

Great News ,I have successfully updated your kali img into rolling edtion! ,It really works at my tablet by editing the sources.list file in the “/etc/apt/sources.list”

in sources.list:

deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free

deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free

then I typed apt-get upgrade!

and also I doubled checked the new tools installed on kali img”

So essentially you’ll have to just edit your sources.list file to only have these repositories and issue a:

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

As for how well it works, I’m not quite sure because I am now running the nethunter ROM on my Nexus 6. However, I would like to thank “JosephTheHacker Pwn3r” for looking into this and informing me. Lastly, if rooting your phone is not an option but you still want a debian terminal based environment to work with, I highly recommend checking out Termux:
