Tag Archives: current

Update in regards to my current situation

To my current readers/followers:

I appreciate the e-mails and feedback that I have been receiving from you all. It is a great source of motivation for me, especially being a person like myself who is quite pessimistic and feels inadequate.

My next post may not be for another month or so. This is due to the fact that my main computer that I use for programming and virtual machines, is having instability issues with the SATA/RAID controller. (I will most likely have to get a new motherboard.) It’s a good thing that I’m relatively anal retentive about doing backups.

One other hindrance to my posting, is the fact that I’m back in school this fall and will have less time to work on my info sec projects.

With that being said, feel free to drop me an e-mail or comment if you desire to do so. 🙂

FYI, if you live in the midwest like myself and would like to possibly meet up, I will be attending GrrCon since it is in my hometown. It will take place all day September 16, 2011.

Visit: http://grrcon.org for more information and pricing.