Android Lollipop breaks Kali chroot

For those of you who are looking to update your Android version to Lollipop and wish to continue using the chroot environment I have shown how to setup here, please hold off! You can do so but at your own risk. Currently my chroot environment is not functional because I get ‘permission denied’ when I try to run the same script as I’ve always done before with my rooted Nexus 4 with previous versions of Android (up to 4.4.4). I’m highly confident that the issue is related to Android Lollipop’s PIE system, though I could be wrong. Over at the XDA forums, it appears that there is a workaround, but it still doesn’t fix the ‘permission denied’ issue that I’m experiencing. However it may help you with other apps:

This bypass method did fix SSHDroid, but caused some issues with other apps.

One thought on “Android Lollipop breaks Kali chroot”

  1. The only thing Apple has actually not identified is a real time means of finding if that customer
    you’re sending is active on their system or not.

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